Trout Unlimited announces the first Big Wood River Single Fly

Tue, 07/01/2014

For immediate release




Contact: Chad Chorney, (208) 420-4096,

Nancy Bradley, (208) 399-2566,

Trout Unlimited announces first Big Wood River Single Fly

Proceeds will go to benefit work on one of Idaho's most iconic rivers

Hailey -- The first-ever Big Wood River Single Fly event is planned for Aug. 2 - 3 in Hailey, with proceeds going to Trout Unlimited’s Big Wood River Home Rivers Initiative.


“The Big Wood River is the lifeblood of the Wood River valley. Residents and visitors depend on the river for recreation, agricultural and municipal purposes,” said Chad Chorney, Big Wood River project manager for TU. “Today, the river faces many threats – reduced streamflows, altered floodplains, habitat lost and disconnected tributaries. TU and the Wood River Land Trust are partnering to restore the glory of this iconic Western trout fishery while protecting the sense of community that has developed around it.”


Funds raised through the fishing tournament will go toward improving and sustaining the wild trout fishery anglers have come to expect from the Big Wood River. A few of the goals for the Big Wood include:


  • Enhancing and improving habitat along the main stem of the river and it’s tributaries.

  • Enhancing stream flows

  • Restoring disconnected tributaries and habitats

  • Working collaboratively with state and federal resource agencies to assess watershed conditions.

  • Engaging in youth education to encourage resource stewardship.


“The inaugural Big Wood Single Fly event will gather anglers on the river in a fun, lighthearted setting while shedding light on threats that the river currently faces,” Chorney said. “By participating in the Big Wood Single Fly, anglers can not only enjoy the river’s wild trout fishery, but be a part of sustaining the Big Wood for future generations.”


Silent auction and raffle items will be available for bid and purchase, to raise additional funds for the Big Wood Home Rivers Initiative.


Basic Rules: One fly per angler. One point per trout caught and released, added to the total inches of two measured trout. A “Big Trout Bonus” of 5 points for a trout 15 inches to 17 inches and a “Super Trout Bonus” of 10 points for a trout greater than 17 inches.


Visit for more information, registration, and complete rules.


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