Date: Mon, 07/14/2014 TUBoothIFTD.jpeg July 14, 2014 Contact: Chris Hunt, National Communications Director (208) 406-9106 Joel R. Johnson, Chief Marketing Officer (646) 573-6410 Kirk Deeter, Editor, TROUT Magazine (303) 808-1285 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited makes major investment in ICAST/IFTD show in Orlando Nation’s oldest and largest trout and salmon conservation organization sends its largest delegation ever to America’s largest fishing trade show ORLANDO—Trout Unlimited is sending a message to America’s fishing industry at this year’s joint-ICAST/IFTD trade show: Fishing is big business in America, and the need to protect the nation’s fisheries right now for current and new anglers has never been more important, and worthy of support. “We’re sending our largest-ever delegation to both shows this year in hopes of working more closely with the recreational fishing and outdoor industry than we ever have before,” said TU’s Chief Marketing Officer Joel R. Johnson. “We want to help the industry make the connection—we make fishing better and that’s good for American businesses and anglers.” Joining Johnson will be TU’s President and CEO Chris Wood, who will deliver a speech to the industry on Wednesday, July 16, at 11 a.m., titled, “Conservation and Your Bottom Line: It’s More than just Philanthropy, it’s Good for Business.” Wood will discuss with industry leaders how partnering with TU to protect, reconnect and restore trout and salmon waters across the nation can help sustain and grow the country’s fishing opportunities and create new customers for those serving the industry. “Many folks don’t realize it, but TU is one of the largest customers the fishing industry has,” Johnson said. “Every year, we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on fishing equipment for membership recruitment, and our 155,000 members invest millions more on their own. We want to show the industry the benefits that come with partnering with TU, and I think Chris will do a great job explaining how we not only work to improve fishing, but how we’re working to protect the fishing legacy and ensure it survives for years and years to come.” For instance, Johnson said, TU’s magazine, TROUT, is the largest circulating fishing-centric magazine in the country. By joining TU as a corporate partner or endorsed business, companies are listed in the magazine that reaches hundreds of thousands of readers four times a year. Edited by well-known fishing writer Kirk Deeter, TROUT covers everything from important conservation work to engaging the country’s veterans in the healing power of fly fishing to the unique American fishing lifestyle. TROUT’s advertising sales representative, Tim Romano, will be on hand at the show, taking advertising orders and working with industry representatives to promote their products through the magazine. Also attending the show this year is TU’s National Communications Director Chris Hunt, who steers TU’s media relations and promotes important business partnerships through traditional media outreach, as well as through TU’s blog and it’s huge social media network. TU has more than 57,000 Facebook fans and nearly 18,000 followers on Twitter. “Joining TU as a corporate partner or endorsed business ensures industry-wide and nationwide promotion,” Johnson said. “We are very grateful to our partners and the American Fly Fishing Trade Association who help us support conservation and fishing throughout the country, and we do our best to promote our partners’ generosity by telling the world about their businesses and how they’re helping us make fishing better for all Americans.” Industry members can join TU as corporate partners or as endorsed business by contacting Johnson or TU Endorsed Business Director Walt Gasson, who will also be at the Orlando show. Follow TU at ICAST/IFTD at this year’s show on Twitter by following #TUICAST and #TUIFTD, as well as by checking in regularly at the TU blog. Trout Unlimited is the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s trout and salmon and their watersheds. Follow TU on Facebook and Twitter, and visit us online at