"Wild Reverence" kicks off multi-city tour

Fri, 09/12/2014

For immediate release




John McMillan (360) 797-3215

Shauna Sherard (307) 757-7861

"Wild Reverence" kicks off multi-city tour


Spokane -- A film following one angler’s journey to re-discover the West’s most iconic fish will kick-off a multi-city tour today.

“Wild Reverence,” a film by Shane Anderson documents his quest to make sense of the demise of wild steelhead while sorting out our almost mythic connection with this fish. The tour, brought to us by fisheries advocates the Wild Steelhead Coalition and Patagonia's World Trout Initiative,  will be stopping across the country to raise awareness about this majestic fish, the rich sportfishing tradition it inspired, and what we can do to rebuild its depleted populations.

“The message is strong and clear: The majority of wild steelhead populations in the Lower-48 are listed under the Endangered Species Act, and if our course of action remains the same, this may be the steelhead's last stand. But, Shane also clearly demonstrates that there is hope by focusing on rivers where wild steelhead have rebounded and continue to thrive,” said John McMillan, Science Director of Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative. “We need to learn and apply lessons from those places to ensure that there are wild steelhead for future generations.”

Rob Masonis, director of Western Conservation for Trout Unlimited said this is a film all steelheaders should see.

“Shane brings to light the missteps along the way that have brought many wild steelhead runs to their knees, but – more importantly – he points the way to healthy, fishable wild steelhead runs. The time to pursue that path has come.”

Aside from Wild Steelhead Coalition, Anderson recently partnered with Trout Unlimited to help roll out its new Wild Steelhead Initiative in November. The initiative will focus on bringing anglers together to rebuild wild steelhead populations throughout their range in the western U.S. More information on the initiative to come in the following weeks.

“Anglers across the U.S. and even around the world care deeply about wild steelhead and long for the day when they return to their native waters in abundance,” Masonis said. “And the only way to make progress is to educate ourselves and unite behind bold, practical solutions that are within our reach.”

Anderson echoed that sentiment.

“If we shift steelhead management from an industrial model to an ecological model we will recover wild steelhead, salmon and trout and have healthy fisheries for future generations,” he said. “Mother nature cannot be outfoxed and if you give wild fish half a chance with a little habitat, water, and space they will do amazing things. I’ve seen it with my own eyes."

Trout Unlimited works closely with many fisheries conservation groups and are excited to help promote the efforts of the Wild Steelhead Coalition on their Wild Reverance Tour



Spokane, WA, Sept. 12, Lincoln Center

Bozeman, MT, Sept. 16, Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture

Boise, ID, Sept. 17, BSU Special Events Center

Reno, NV, Sept. 18, Imperial Lounge

Tahoe, NV, Sept. 20, Art Haus Cinema

Arcata, CA, Sept. 25, Arcata Theater Lounge

Portland, OR, Sept. 28, Hollywood Theatre

Seattle, WA, Oct. 2, SIFF Uptown Cinema

For tickets, go to ticketriver.com




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