Bring Back the Natives Funding Available

Sun, 07/02/2000

Bring Back the Natives Funding Available

Bring Back the Natives Funding Available


7/3/2000 --  --  Funding for on-the-ground restoration projects is available from the Bring Back the Natives (BBN) program for 2001.

BBN is a collaborative effort among TU, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Forest Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to restore the health of aquatic systems and their native species.

Consider applying for 2001 BBN funds if your chapter is interested in conducting a restoration project that benefits native species. The majority of past BBN projects have focused on salmonids, although many successful projects for amphibians and other fish have been funded. TU has always been an active participant.

Applications are due August 15, 2000. Click here for information.

For assistance in developing a project, establishing partnerships, or filling out a proposal application, contact TU's BBN Coordinator, Amy Harig at TU's Colorado office (phone: 303-440-2937, e-mail:

Date: 6/3/2000


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