Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Counsel to be TU Legislative Counsel

Wed, 12/10/2003

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Counsel to be TU Legislative Counsel

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Counsel to be TU Legislative Counsel

Steve Moyer
VP for Government Affairs and Volunteer Operations
Trout Unlimited
(703) 284-9406

12/11/2003 -- Washington, D.C. --  Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Counsel Kira Finkler will join the staff of Trout Unlimited (TU) in January as Legislative Counsel.
  Finkler, who has served on the committee staff since 1996, has been instrumental in shaping public lands and forestry issues. She previously served as former Sen. Dale Bumpers’ legislative counsel, and has worked as an advisor to the director of the Bureau of Land Management.
  “Kira has a wealth of conservation experience and policy savvy, and we are very fortunate to have her become a part of Trout Unlimited,” said Steve Moyer, TU Vice President for Government Affairs and Volunteer Programs.
  In her new position at Trout Unlimited, Finkler will be TU’s primary advocate for the organization’s congressional and federal agency agendas, especially for public lands management, Western water policy, and federal appropriations for trout and salmon conservation programs.
  “Kira is one of the most outstanding conservationists on Capitol Hill,” said Chris Wood, TU Vice President for Conservation. “She will help us immeasurably in our efforts to sustain programs and funding that benefit coldwater fisheries and the watersheds they depend on.”
  “Trout Unlimited is one of the finest conservation groups in the country. Although I will miss working for Senator Bingaman, I’m very excited about joining the TU team,” added Finkler. 

Mission: TU’s 130,000 members in 450 chapters nationwide are dedicated to the conservation, protection and restoration of North America’s trout and salmon and their watersheds.

Date: 12/11/2003


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