The Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited is now accepting applications for funding conservation projects

Wed, 09/23/2009

Contact: Mike Caltagirone, President
Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited
(775) 232-9697 –

The Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited is Now Accepting Applications for Funding of Northern Nevada/California Focused Coldwater Fisheries and Watershed Conservation Projects

(August 17, 2009 – Reno, NV) – The Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited has announced it is now accepting applications for funding of conservation-based projects focused on cold-water fisheries and their watersheds that benefit Northern Nevada and California through the organization’s Kroening Endowment.

Application and instructions are available on the Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited website at and are being accepted from September 1, 2009 to November 1, 2009.

The Chapter Project&Conservation Grant Program cycle expects to award several projects, totaling between $500 and $30,000 dollars. For projects requesting funding over $1000, the project must match the award amount one-to-one with cash gifts, additional grants, donations, materials, and/or volunteer labor.

The program is targeted to, and applications are encouraged from, any and all of the following types of groups:
• Local youth groups (e.g., high school conservation clubs and leadership clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, YMCA)
• Non-profit and for-profit community organizations
• Universities and Community Colleges
• Local, state, and federal government agencies


Under the Kroening Endowment, the Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited will annually provide grants for conservation, education, and public outreach projects that demonstrate a benefit to Northern Nevada and California coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.

The Kroening Endowment is the result of a generous gift from the estate of Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kroening of Reno. Dr. Kroening, M.D., Ph.D., was a Professor and Fellowship Director at the UCLA Pain Management Program and an adjunct professor at the UCLA School of Dentistry. After leaving Los Angeles, he had a practice in Reno where he specialized in pain management for cancer and head & neck traumas. He possessed an avid love for the outdoors and for the conservation of our natural resources. He was a life long member of Trout Unlimited.

The current Sagebrush Chapter Conservation Grant Program application, schedule, and additional information are available at

About the Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited:
The Sagebrush Chapter of Trout Unlimited is the official northern Nevada affiliate of Trout Unlimited, America’s leading coldwater conservation advocacy. For 50 years, Trout Unlimited’s mission has been to conserve, protect, and restore North America’s trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. What started as a handful of passionate fishermen is today an extensive and dedicated grassroots volunteer network working to accomplish our mission at the local, state and national levels. For more information on the organization, please contact Chapter President, Mike Caltagirone, at
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