TU Volunteer Named Conservation Hero of the Year by Field & Stream Magazine

Thu, 10/29/2009


CONTACT: Erin Mooney 703-284-9408

Howard Kern recognized for his work protecting California’s golden trout

Arlington, VA.-- Trout Unlimited (TU) volunteer Howard Kern, of Westlake Village, Calif., was named Field&Stream magazine’s 2009 Conservation Hero of the Year.

“Howard represents the best of TU's members,” said Chris Wood, TU’s Chief Operating Officer. “He is selfless, generous, and committed to making the world a better place. Howard has led dozens of work trips taking hundreds of volunteers into California's Golden Trout wilderness to recover the habitat of its namesake fish. He was instrumental in developing the fly fishing merit badge with the Boy Scouts.”

“Field&Stream rightfully recognized him for his work,” Wood continued. And they just as easily could have selected Mark Taylor, the past president of TU’s Washington Council--who was one of the other finalists--or hundreds of other TU volunteers whose work to repair streams, educate kids, and protect rivers makes TU such an extraordinary organization,” said Wood.

Field&Stream is the world’s leading outdoor magazine. Its Heroes of Conservation awards recognize sportsmen dedicated to the grassroots protection of fish, wildlife and habitat.

Kern, one of six Field & Stream Heroes of Conservation finalists, was presented with the award in Washington, D.C. last week. In addition to a $5,000 grant that was awarded to each of the finalists, Kern won a new Toyota Tundra.

“Howard Kern’s work with the California golden trout epitomizes what Field & Stream’s Heroes of Conservation program is all about,” said Anthony Licata, Editor of Field & Stream. It’s an ambitious project that is helping a game fish in real trouble, and we are honored to recognize Kern’s dedication.”

An active member of Trout Unlimited since 1989, Kern has worked on TU projects in his local area of Los Angeles as well as in the Golden Trout Wilderness in the southern Sierra Nevada mountains. He has served on TU’s California state council since 1999 and has represented TU as a member of the management committee for the Southern California Steelhead Coalition. He currently serves as the Volunteer Project Coordinator for the state's Golden Trout Restoration Project. A proponent of youth education, Kern has served on TU’s National Youth Advisory Committee and was a contributor for the Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) fly fishing merit badge.

Kern was instrumental in the writing of a new fishing ethics book which explained proper angling techniques published by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. He is a member of the BSA's National Fishing Task Force. Howard is a recipient of TU’s National Distinguished Service Award and National Youth Education Award. He has been recognized for his conservation efforts by the California Department of Fish and Game, US Forest Service, the Boy Scouts of America and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Mark Taylor, president of TU’s Washington Council, was one of the six Heroes of Conservation. A long-time TU volunteer, Taylor has worked for many years to help protect Lake Sammamish kokanee salmon. His “Adopt-a-Kokanee” program has helped to measure and evaluate the fish population in Washington state.

Kern, Taylor and other award recipients are featured in the October issue of Field & Stream and are also featured in episodes of Field & Stream’s HOC TV, available at www.FieldandStream.com/heroes.

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Trout Unlimited is North America’s leading coldwater fisheries conservation organization, with more than 140,000 members dedicated to conserving, protecting, and restoring North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. In 2009, TU celebrates its 50th anniversary.


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