Trout Unlimited and Theodore Gordon Flyfishers Praise New York State Senate for Passing Bill Delaying Gas Drilling

Wed, 08/04/2010

For Immediate Release:

Erin Mooney, Trout Unlimited, 703-284-9408,
John L. Barone, Theodore Gordon Flyfishers, Inc., 914-961-0565

Trout Unlimited and Theodore Gordon Flyfishers Praise New York State Senate for Passing Bill Delaying Gas Drilling

Arlington, Va.-- Sportsmen's organizations, Trout Unlimited (TU) and Theodore Gordon Flyfishers (TGF), praise the New York State Senate for voting to temporarily halt hydraulic fracturing for gas extraction in New York State.

Staying into the late hours after an extraordinary legislative session last night, the Senate voted 48 to 9 in favor of slowing down the process of gas drilling in the state in order to ensure protection of the environment.

Sponsored by Sen. Antoine Thompson (D-Buffalo), S.8129B suspends the permitting process for conducting hydraulic fracturing for the extraction of gas or oil in New York State until May 15, 2011. The temporary moratorium will give the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) the opportunity to properly assess the numerous concerns that have been raised regarding the impacts that hydraulic fracturing can have on water quality, stream flows, air, environmental, safety and public health. By temporarily delaying DEC's ability to issue permits, the next governor will have additional time to assess the true environmental impacts of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing.

TU and TGF now call on the New York State Assembly to pass companion legislation, A.11443B, sponsored by Assemblyman Robert Sweeney (D-Lindenhurst), when it resumes business in Albany.

According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, more than $3 billion is generated for New York state and local communities each year from fishing, hunting, and wildlife-related recreation. With a temporary moratorium in place, New York will have the opportunity to protect some of its most valuable and irreplaceable natural areas.

Trout Unlimited is the nation's largest coldwater conservation organization, with 140,000 members dedicated to conserving, protecting, and restoring North America's trout and salmon fisheries and their watersheds. TGF is a not for profit angling organization, founded on American fly- fishing traditions, promoting stream and river protection and self-sustainable salmonid populations through conservation, environmental oversight, activism, catch-and-release practices, and education.


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