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TU is working hard to address a serious problem impacting Washington’s watersheds and threatening the health of our native fish populations: unregulated suction dredge mining and other forms of motorized mineral prospecting.
Loved by anglers, floaters and families alike, the Smith River might be one of Montana's most iconic rivers.
Central Appalachia’s coldwater streams are still struggling from century-old impacts from past energy development. This, coupled with urbanization and other land management issues, has left us with few intact and healthy wild and native trout watersheds.
Abandoned mines and their toxic legacies are among the most widespread, but least addressed, threats to native and wild trout. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that they impact over 40% of headwater streams in the West.
TU's goal in the Yankee Fork basin was to create side-channel rearing habitat for juvenile Chinook salmon and steelhead trout and spawning habitat for adult steelhead. Improved habitat will also benefit cutthroat trout and bull trout.
The Blackfoot River in Idaho is located in what is known as the Southeast Idaho phosphate patch, where there are several active and non-active phosphate mines within the Blackfoot Watershed.
Trout Unlimited has embarked on an ambitious effort to implement large-scale habitat and flow restoration in critical spawning and rearing tributaries throughout the Upper Clark Fork.
Shale gas development in the East has taken on new dimensions in recent years, where energy companies are drilling for gas in the Marcellus and Utica shales.
Western Colorado’s Roan Plateau is one of the region’s great landscapes and a haven for fish, wildlife and sportsmen. It is also an important part of the area’s economy thanks largely to the hunting, fishing and recreation the Roan Plateau sustains.
With robust populations of cutthroats, brown and rainbow trout, and legendary populations of big game, the Thompson Divide is a place worth protecting. Unfortunately, it is also a place under threat from energy development.
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