TUB 2-color.jpg Thin Air Angler Robert Reece 7012 Manhattan Lane Cheyenne, WY 82009 coach.bobreece@gmail.com 307-256-2741 Visit our website About us My name is Bob Reece. I am a full time Science teacher from the wide open state of Wyoming. During my summers I guide fly fishing trips throughout the headwaters of the North Platte River. I'm also a tier and fly designer for the Orvis Rod and Tackle Company. My mission through Thin Air Angler is to provide tiers with material kits that save time and ease the process of creating top quality flies. How to tying videos for all of these patterns can be found at www.facebook.com/ThinAirAngler. Feel free to contact me with questions and comments through the Facebook and Instagram links on this page. Have a good one! What we do Thin Air Angler produces custom fly tying material kits. These kits contain supplies that are organized, prepped and pre-cut for a variety of patterns. This saves the tier the time of tracking down various materials and allows the them to begin tying with zero prep work on their part. Our mission is to make the process of constructing top quality patterns efficient and enjoyable. Where we do it Thin Air Angler is a home based business in Cheyenne, Wyoming.