
Office Address 
12274 East North Ln Scottsdale AZ 85259
Office Phone 
480 717-1705

Brad Powell

Brad Powell
Job title 
Southwest Region Director (SCP)
About me 
I grew up in Missouri and was lucky to find fishing and exploring the outdoors early in my life. I pursued bass, bluegill, trout, catfish, rabbits, quail and squirrels with enthusiasm through out my early years. I graduated from the University of Missouri, worked for over 30 years with the US Forest Service and came to Trout Unlimited 9 years ago. I currently work as our Sportsmen Conservation Project (SCP) Southwest Region Director. I work with our staff and volunteers in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico to ensure that sportsmen's voices are integral to the decision making processes on important fish habitats on public lands.
Favorite quote 
Poor New Mexico, so far from Heaven and so close to Texas.
Group membership 
SFRED Youth Essay Contest