
About me 
My passion for fly fishing and the outdoors began when my family moved to Northern Idaho from San Diego in 1993. My dad was an avid fisherman, mainly lures so I fished the same. Shortly after living there a movie called "A River Runs Through It" was released and I knew I had to try fly fishing. I got a basic fly fishing rod/reel combo for Christmas and I've been fly fishing ever since. I've fished almost every body of water within a four hour driven radius of my hometown in Idaho. When I was in college, I got hooked on something more addicting than catching trout on a dry fly which was fly fishing for winter steelhead. After college I moved to Florida where I salt water fly fished, mush different than what I was used to but still was fun. I am back in Southern California and have explored many rivers and streams down here. I am saddened to see the conditions of almost every freshwater body of water in Socal and I would like to do something about it. My goal is to help restore the rivers and creeks nearby to a healthier state and maybe, by the time I'm dead, see steelhead back in Socal.
Favorite quote 
The things you own end up owning you.
Other Interests 
Group membership 
CA Sportsmen for Public Lands
Trout Unlimited California