Abandoned Minelands Restoration in Headwaters of Boise River in Idaho

Abandoned Minelands Restoration in Headwaters of Boise River in Idaho

This video is based on a 3D Google Earth tour showing several years of restoration work Trout Unlimited and many partners and volunteers have accomplished on abandoned mine lands in the headwaters of the Boise River Watershed in Idaho. 


Also provided is this link to a Google Earth Plug In Tour of selected demonstration sites on Mores Creek and Grimes Creek. The link below also provides a Google Earth KMZ file that provides information and tours to almost 100 map locations in these watersheds, including some near the city of Boise, Idaho.

The video and Google Earth projects were produced by Pam Harrington, Trout Unlimited, and Katy Flanagan and Gary O. Grimm, Mountain Visions - Boise, Idaho.





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