Submitted by John Ross on Wed, 2014-05-28 07:51 100 Best Trout Streams Batten Kill Clearwater - 029 New York - 9NY New York Women in TU Vote Up Down +124 + Location: Western Vermont, Eastern New York Type of stream: Freestone Angling methods: Fly, Spin, Bait Species: Browns, Brook Trout Access: Moderate Season: Mid-April—October Supporting Services: Manchester Short take: More and better browns with brookies on the side Handicapped Access: None Closest TU Chapter: Clearwater, Colony NY; Batten Kill Browns are the main event here except for the brookies in the Batten Kill’s headwaters which rise in the notch near East Doreset about seven miles upstream from Manchester. The river, from the dam at Dufrense Pond to the New York line, is not being stocked and catch and release is the rule, though bait and artificial lures are not excluded. Since the 2007, a number of habitat restoration and land owner education projects have been undertaken by state and federal agencies and conservation organizations including Trout Unlimited. As a result the Batten Kill is on the rebound. The number of mid-size trout is expanding exponentially, and lunkers are not rare. From the New York border for 4.4 miles downstream to the covered bridge at Eaglesville, N.Y., the Batten Kill is open to fishing year ‘round. This is catch and release water and only artificial lures are permitted. The Batten Kill carries the reputation of an extremely technical river to fish. Long fine tippets of 6x, delicate patterns, and deft presentations are the keys to success on its storied runs of this river.