Submitted by mtdave on Mon, 2016-08-01 23:02 Veterans Service Partnership Science Utah Single Fly National Leadership Council - NLC Vote Up Down +315 + P8210013.JPG For the 3rd consecutive year, the Trout Unlimited Veterans Service Partnership is pleased to partner with TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) to co-host a TAPS men’s retreat. I’ve had the honor to work on the previous Montana men’s retreats, and they have been remarkable events. They provide a respite from grieving for the participants, a chance to decompress in the beautiful surroundings at Parade Rest Guest Ranch near West Yellowstone, Montana, and an opportunity to connect with others who share similar circumstances. The TU VSP underwrites a portion of the meals and accommodations at Parade Rest, provides fly fishing instruction and equipment for 40 men, and arranges for 2 days of guided fishing on the Madison River. For 2016, the TU VSP is running a crowdfunding campaign through the popular crowdfunding website to raise funds to support this event. Following is a link to our campaign. I hope you will consider making a gift to help support these folks who have made such an incredible sacrifice for our country. Dave Kumlien Western Coordinator Veterans Service Partnership 406-570-0023 cell email