Submitted by mtdave on Sun, 2018-09-16 07:20 Veterans Service Partnership Montana - 9MT National Leadership Council - NLC Vote Up Down +56 + P9140377.JPG The 5th Annual TU's Veterans Service Partnership and TAPS, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, TAPS , Montana Men's Retreat was a success. Held at Parade Rest Guest Ranch, Parade Rest Ranch , on Grayling Creek near West Yellowstone, the event brought together nearly 40 men who have lost loved ones in military service. The TU VSP organized a day of fly fishing instruction, arranged for guides for two days of guided float fishing on the famous Madison River, and provided fly fishing equipment for the group. Professional guides from local fly shops and volunteers from the Madison Gallatin TU Chapter donated a total of 20 guided trips to support this event, and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks provided fishing license waivers for the group. We were blessed with beautiful weather and enjoyed the outstanding hospitality of Parade Rest Ranch. The Browns, Rainbows, and Mountain Whitefish of the Madison River were cooperative, and many of them were caught and released by the TAPS anglers. Reports and testimony provided by TAPS angers each evening gave credence to the therapeutic impact that a day of fly fishing for trout has on the soul! Dave Kumlien, National Coordinator, TU VSP