Angler Reveals Secret Fly


I am a new member of the Alpine Anglers; however, I am not new to Estes Park. I moved up here full time last June, but I've been spending my summers up here for the last 13 years.


I was asked to write about a favorite day fishing. Well any day on the water is my favorite day, but I think back to last year and a day in September where I caught one fish after another on the Upper Big Thompson. Not only was this a gorgeous fall day fishing with a dear friend, we both fished with one fly only all day. In fact, I fished with just this one fly all summer long.


A friend of mine in Texas introduced me to the Bob Wyatt book “What Trout Want”. His philosophy of simple flies and only a few patterns to catch trout anywhere in the world . I was intrigued.


I tied a box full of Deer Hair Emergers, Snowshoe Hair Emergers and my summer fishing box was set. He also uses a soft hackle I like as well.


That day in September, I tied on a size 14 Deer Hair Emerger and it never came off for the next four hours. Hooking up on almost every cast, I caught browns, brooks, rainbows. Some larger than I expected hunkering down a hole in the middle of the stream. They loved this fly.


It is a simple tie and very buggy looking. I highly recommend the book and the fly for your fishing adventures this summer.



I’m heading for Yellowstone this summer and my Bob Wyatt box will be the first thing I pack.


I hope to see you on the River this spring and summer. You know what will be tied to my line.


Tight lines




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