Anglers speak up for Rio Grande del NorteEdit

Nick Streit, owner of Taos Fly Shop, has long been an outspoken advocate for wild things and wild places. And lately, that effort has been re-doubled. Check it out:

My wife gave me a Stimulator for Valentine’s Day this year. No — that isn’t something X-rated. It is a fly for catching trout. I’m eager to take it out on the Rio Grande this spring for a day of big sky, big fish and solitude.

Protecting the Rio Grande Gorge makes this adventure possible. This area of Northern New Mexico is a national treasure and a paradise for fisher-folk. There is something magical about the hushed slip of your fly across the water. My 4-year-old daughter, Taylor, has already experienced it — she caught her first trout there. Thousands of tourists have, too.

Take a look at his letter to the editor about designating the Rio Grande del Norte as a national monument in the Santa Fe New Mexican


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