Annual meeting not impacted by closure

While the Yellowstone River has been closed due to the spread of Proliferative Kidney Disease among whitefish, Trout Unlimited urges those attending not to change their plans. 

PKD is one of the most serious diseases to impact whitefish and trout, however, even if the river remains closed through the month of September, all other rivers remain open at this time, providing ample fishing opportunity in within a short drive of Bozeman.

As water temperatures continue to cool, the spread of the parasite will slow according to Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks. And while whitefish have taken a hit in the short term, the Yellowstone continues to be one of the healthies rivers in Montana.

“This isn’t the end of the Yellowstone fishery. It’s one of our healthiest rivers and even healthy rivers have setbacks,” said Pat Byorth, Montana Water Director for TU’s Western Water and Habitat Project. “Rather, this outbreak underscores the importance of building resilience in our rivers. Building that resilience comes down to improving stream flows,  and restoring habitat and the health of these rivers. Trout Unlimited has been doing this kind of work for years, and we intend to continue. If we do our job right, these fisheries will bounce back.”



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