Submitted by bkross on Sun, 2021-09-05 05:12 New River - 207 Vote Up Down +82 + clean up.jpg Chapter News For over 7 years , your New River Valley Trout Unlimited chapter has been partnering with Giles County to improve our Class A trout stream, Big Stony Creek. We not only monitor and report each month the stream’s water quality using key cold water parameters, but we also clean-up the stream banks and roadways too. Your TU chapter is a member of the New River Watershed Roundtable. Members includes representatives from our surrounding cities and counties, along with the New River Conservancy, outdoor recreation councils, VA Tech and Radford University and special conservation groups like the Friends of Claytor Lake and Friends of Peak Creek. (By the way, Kevin Byrd is the Director, and was once our TU Chapter President.) The Roundtable is the coordinating authority for these twice a year river clean-up projects, Roads & Ramps and ReNew the New. We support Giles County with these two important programs but concentrate on improving Big Stony Creek. Your chapter’s volunteers picked up 32 bags of trash and assorted “castaways” last Saturday, August 28th. This was in addition to a similar haul last spring and past years. Our sponsor stream and surrounding roadways are much cleaner thanks to our TU crew. It is trash that will never migrate to the river to spoil key habitat. Thanks again to our tireless volunteers. We hope you can join us next spring! Pete JacksonConservation Chair