Board Meeting Minutes January 12,2022

BOD meeting

Date: 01.12.2022

Place: Zoom

Time: 6:00pm

Attendees: Steve Weiter, Mike/Kelley Romano, Mike/Mary Jo Hyde (zoom), Eric Stanczyk (zoom), Andy Bragdon(zoom)


12.8.2021 Meeting minutes approved as submitted.


Financials: Checking/$4,922.21, Savings/$8,507.02, Total/$13,429.23. Donations/$114.00, Zoom Expenses/$112.42, Tent purchase/$194.39. *as provided by Bob Alexander


Steve Weiter would like to start posting the meeting minutes on the website, in a couple of weeks. Eric Stanczyk suggested  full names, titles and edits.


Resumption of in person meeting - not ready due to Omicron. We can figure a way to zoom chapter meetings in the spring if still not able to meet in person, possibly March or April and lets think about how and a speaker.  Kelley Romano asking if she should mention it in the newsletter.  Steve Weiter said he'd mention it in the "Presidents message", if not Kelley to put a blurb in the newsletter.  Possible chapter meeting to be March 2nd - zoom only.  Eric Stanczyk to provide an update on stocking.


Steve Weiter had a follow-up discussion with Ken Crane, regarding limitations of our website; the mail chimp service we once had is no longer available since we hadn't used it in 2 years.  Ken to look through his files for a mass list. Ken also provided an update on Skaneateles Creek; there's been no monitoring due to no equipment.  Ken to also look into getting some.  Both Steve and Ken spoke with TU National regarding MayFly Monitoring station, and a possible charting of the depth/flow rate as a  project for ESF students.  A Flow Monitor is too costly, $20,000.00 vs $1,500.00 for MayFly.  Mike Romano suggested switching Red Flag testing on Skaneateles Creek instead of Nine Mile. Ken Crane will meet with the Fisheries Council and City to see if we can do something at the dam. May not hear of an update until February or March. Steve added that we should think about volunteering to help with the CSI monitoring to help build a relationship.


Priority waters project survey was shared, most applicants were mostly from the east side of town, Steve spoke with Emily Zollweg-Horan/Onondaga County DEC Fisheries Biologist for Region 7, there is info that exists but is not available on the DEC website.  Clarification of the Isaac Walton League - whose mission has a local chapter here working on water quality, local and national chapters are compatible with TU but very different.  Matt Weber of IWL is working with TU/Madison Chapter on a culvert survey on Chittenango Creek, where we can eventually volunteer. Kelley Romano asked what to include in the newsletter regarding the stream survey, as the time period was difficult with the holidays, which may be the reason for the feed back or lack thereof.  Steve Weiter - by all means if people want to give feed back on anything, at any time, that is OK too!


Kelley Romano - asking we provide her with any information or topic for the newsletter if we have any.


No other items


Next Meeting February 9th, 6:00pm-8:00pm



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