Board Meeting Minutes November 2021


November 2021 BOD meeting

Date: 11.10.2021

Place: Honeywell Visitors Center

Time: 6:00pm

Attendees: Steve Weiter (zoom),Bob Alexander, Marty Ivory, John Dobricki, Mike/Kelley Romano, Mike/Mary Jo Hyde, Eric Stanczyk (zoom), Andy Bragdon(zoom


Meeting minutes from the previous meeting were accepted.


Steve Weiter made a motion to vote Marty Ivery back onto the board. Bob Alexander 2nd the motion. All were in favor.


Bob Alexander reported the current financials:


Checking $5,084.60

Savings $8,506.88

Total  $13,591.48


Income to date from donations:  $76.00

Expenses:  Zoom account  $112.42


We discussed purchasing a new tent, similar to the one we have now, which includes sun flaps.  Come spring, we can look for a good deal, spending up to $250.00.  Steve motioned to approve, Mike Hyde. 2nd the motion. All were in favor.


In regards to the chapter inventory, email Steve Weiter with anything we have. The Hydes have the projector, screen and bin. Sportsman's Days equipment is in the garage at the Hatchery.


Fly tying Supplies:  Kelley Romano to mention them in a news letter for donation of supplies and suggested consolidating the materials. Steve to contact Dave Seifritz. after the holidays.


Bylaws: Do we need to submit to National?  Steve Weiter does not believe so, but we should post them on the National site.  National does not need to approve them.


Delegates to the State Council of TU:   We need to have representation, (no deadline), so that we can give our vote on issues. Next meeting is June 11, 2022 in the Catskills.  The following meeting, in November, location is unknown. 


the Federation of Sportsman's Clubs is looking for Delegates. Per Les Monestory, we need 2 nominations.  Marty Ivery to be our delegate, Steve to inform Les.


Newsletter: Mike and Kelley Romano did an outstanding job! Steve will add president’s letter. Steve sent the newsletter to the Chapter members.  Kelley will continue with the newsletter as long as there is information to put out there, ie: events, offerings, plantings, zoom. Possibly on a quarterly basis. It's effective communication between chapter members.  National keeps track of memberships and also of lapsed members. Mike Hyde. to check old emails for an expanded contact list.  Andy Bragdon inquired of lapsed members. Approximately 30 members have let their membership lapse. Some may have just forgotten to renew, maybe send a reminder. Steve's goal is to re-engage people, maybe next newsletter we can put in a reminder.

There was a previous discussion of sending a snail mail reminder to re-engage people. Mike Romano asked how many.  Bob Alexander believes it to be a small number.  Kelley Romano suggest saving a flier for when we have an event, and would be more cost effective.  All agreed.


Fly Fishing School:  Marty Ivery provided dates - April 21st / April 28th and May 5th / May12th, 6pm - 9pm, at Carpenters Brook Fish Hatchery - cost = $65.00, or $50.00 if you sign up before March. Believes this year will be better than last, due to covid. Also, its not too early to announce.


 Mike R - how is this promoted?  Marty - emails to membership, the web/facebook.  To follow up at next meeting and send out after the Holidays, once all has been confirmed.  Eric Stanczyk suggested the Honeywell Visitors Center for Fly School.  Marty to check availability/confirm dates.


Fly Tying Night:  How much interest is there?  We can discuss at next meeting, possibly put something in the newsletter.  Eric Stanczyk - need a venue and consistency.   Possibly Honeywell Visitors Center, which is easily accessible.


Priority Waters:  Stream projects, monies, DEC supports partnering with each other. TU National, State Council Local Chapters., As discussed with Emily  Zollweg-Horan of DEC. Steve  Weiter spoke with her since the October meeting.  She has 2-3 projects at this time - Amboy dam project, Silting on Butternut Creek and improvements on Furnace Brook - through Elmwood Park.  However 

Emily is skeptical as it's a big/long term project.  What other places can we come up with?  Public land is easier to get grants than private land. John Dobricki  - is there a map of PFR's?  Eric states we are not limited, but that PFR's get more attention. Andy suggests - if people know of places, possible projects, draft a brief paragraph of "what, where and why", send to Steve, who can compile a list for review.


Steve Weiter - update from State Council... a fund raiser, $50,000.00 goal to fund projects like youth education/camp, 15% of the monies goes back to the chapter, 85% stays with the State Council in which monies will go to all chapters for projects.  example - ask State Council to cover zoom expenses.  


New regional VP Dee Brown, from Ithaca, Fingerlakes Chapter, Region 7.  She is involved in programs for women.


DEC is looking to simplify regulations and eliminate some areas. To separate bookies from trout spec  example: creel limit on brown/rainbow will be different brookies.  8000 new signs going up throughout the state, new fishing regulation guides will be posted soon and will include fishery contact info per region.  


Next meeting, December 8th, 6pm-8pm via zoom


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