Board/Chapter Meeting Minutes - October 2021


October 2021


BoD meeting

Date: 10.13.2021

Place: Nibsey's Pub

Time: 6:00pm

Attendees: Bob Alexander, Marty Ivory, John Dobricki, Mike/Kelley Romano, Mike/Mary Jo Hyde, Eric Stanczyk and via ZOOM audio only, Steve Weiter, Andy Bragdon


Trout in the Classroom: Steve Weiter has spoken with Matt Brennon /B'Ville Teacher, Matt has obtained a grant to purchase supplies needed.  Eric is able to supply the fish needed. Steve also reached out to Amber/Cato-Meridian, who in turn will reach out to Matt and assist. Steve to follow up with Matt next week.


Previous meeting minutes were reviewed and accepted as is.


Limestone Creek Project: Bob Alexander states it is fully underway, directed by the DEC  with O'Brien&Gere design engineer. Bob just looked at it the day before. Ken Crane has also taken pictures, which can be found on TU's facebook page. The project rerouted the stream from the west to east bank (the Town Hall side), approximately 100 yards. Underground drainage extended for all runoff from the park and residential area, to go to the retention pond. There was a question as to whether or not we were involved in the planning of this project. Per Andy Bragdon, we were at the initial planning and that considerations were taken.


Meeting in-doors: Bob Alexander stated our rate of infection is the highest, per TU National, who advises to suspend meeting in-doors. Mike Romano suggested an old school approach by sending newsletter, in place of a zoom meeting. Bob motioned to suspend chapter meetings for the rest of the calendar year. The motion was passed. Steve questioned if BOD meetings will continue is some form, we got a YES, and will meet safely.  Contact Kelley with any suggestions, topics, notes, etc.


Our TU website:  question, if it has been updated?  It has not, as a code is needed to do so. Bob inquired as to who has the code?  Per Mike Gaines, Jim Froio does. Mary Jo sent Jim a text requesting the code. 


Chapter meeting minutes:


Guest presenter: Emily Zollweg-Horan, to inform/assist with stream project(s).


It was stated that National has money and is looking for a list of possible projects.  Eric goes by the state recommendation list, otherwise if we just pick any stream, we look like idiots, and there's no going back. 


John D, stated we came very close with to completing the Butternut Creek project until Covid hit. However, due to a silt issue, per the excavator. Eric recommends getting in touch with local DEC and Emily to address that. Emily did state she feels the Butternut project is good, however with all the silt, it would cost too much to fill.  She suggested other spots on Butternut, such as south of Jamesville Beach.


Emily did advise there are grants of $5000.00 available. Need to submit project applications to Tracy  Brown.  Applications need to be submitted by April, we should hear back by May. Permit and Grant applications can be submitted at the same time.  Tracy is NYS rep for TU Chapters. Projects need to go through her, on it's way to the DEC.


Emily also touched on Regulation Rollout, DEC info locator maps of inland streams, when stocked, species and how many. Can go to the website to find out where to fish.  Not all state streams are in there.. yet!  That should be coming next spring.


Other locations/streams:


Bob Alexander mentioned the West Branch of Limestone and it's habitat;  Farmland/stream eroding.  Eric Stanzcyk feels that is a private project, however Bob said if we make it a project, the farmer will grant easement. This brought up discussion of PFR's - if property is private, what happens with the easement when ownership of the property changes?  Per Eric - he feels there's already several easements in place where we can do projects, specifically the west branch of Limestone.


We asked Emily and she's agreed, to point us in the direction of stream projects. She will provide us with a few of which she is aware.


Skaneateles Creek - low flow issue: Who's responsible  city, state,county?   Measurement - Emily is guessing that it takes place down stream, not at the dam. She is not convinced an increase of flow over the dam will increase the amount of what water is in the stream.


Cayuga County Project/Bob Hazelton: 

Bob Hazelton advised of a project that was done locally, DEC was not involved. He suggests going to the local highway department, who along with local people, did all the work.  Project was a culvert replacement.  There may be more people willing to help than we think, in Bob's opinion. Bob also stated he was looking for TU recognition for the project getting done, he was referred to 3 different people in which all were dead ends. TU National was of no help.  Mike R. to put it in the news letter. Bob to provide pictures.


Otisco Boat Launch: Mike R. states there is not enough parking, vehicles are parking where they shouldn't and it has become dangerous to drive through that area.


Other business: Sportsmans Days - a new tent is needed.


Mike R. made motion to elect to the Board the following slate of officers:


President - Steve Weiter

VP: Kelley Romano

Treasurer: Bob Alexander

Secretary:  co-chaired - Mike/Mary Jo Hyde


BOD officers, Eric Stanczyk seconded the motion, all accepted.


Next BOD meeting:  11/10/2021 at 5:30, Carpenters Brook Hatchery, in the garage. 

* note: per email updates, next meeting will be held in the Honeywell Visitors Center 6pm.

Meeting Adjourned


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