Submitted by Brian Wagner on Thu, 2017-07-06 08:04 Forks of the Delaware - 482 Vote Up Down +10 + P1000173.JPG Monitoring of Bushkill Creek water quality is conducted monthly by local citizens of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). The Bushkill Stream Conservancy oversees the program and coordinates the local volunteers. Forks of the Delaware TU members Thom Beverly, Bill Heffner, and Karl Lozer participate in the program to measure water quality at six sites of which there are 24 locations in total. Participants use Lamotte test kits to measure pH, oxygen saturation, alkalinity, turbidity, conductivity and several more critical water quality markers. Results are recorded in an excel spread sheet and forwarded to the Bushkill Stream Conservancy who then forwards them to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and Lafayette College as a data base to compare future water quality data.