Submitted by bigsur on Tue, 2024-04-09 08:02 Great Smoky Mountain - 047 Vote Up Down +698 + 1712341825402.jpg **NEXT GSM TU CHAPTER MEETING** THURSDAY APRIL 25TH 6PM DEAD END BBQ 3621 SUTHERLAND AVE KNOXVILLE Come on out to Dead End BBQ on Thursday April 25th as we prepare for “CICADA-GEDDON 2024”. We are going to be tying a Cicada fly pattern that night with all the materials and hooks provided. All you need to do is bring your vise and tools, and no worries if you do not have any. We will provide you with one, so everyone has a chance of tying that night. In addition, if you have a spare vise or tools, please bring for those who do not have a vise. First time tiers, no problem we will have experienced tiers on hand to help you that evening and to lend everyone a hand. Social hour starts at 6PM and meeting begins at 7PM. Food…brews…and great company!