City Catch 2019: Volunteers Needed! (Sign-up Here.)

MDTU's annual City Catch event is scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 2019. In partnership with Baltimore City Recreation and Parks, MDTU volunteers will once again introduce the fun of trout fishing, and the importance of conservation, to nearly 100 Baltimore City students this spring. Please sign up below and join us!


We need volunteers on two days. On Friday, April 12th, we will stock 800 rainbow trout in Dead Run, a pretty stream in Leakin Park. Fish stocking, always a fun and interesting activity, will take place Friday morning beginning at approximately 11:00am. (Volunteers will receive specific details once known.)   


City Catch itself is on Saturday, April 13th. We need anglers to help teach participants about the fun of fishing and the value of conservation. No special experience or expertise (beyond very basic fishing skills with light spinning tackle) are required. City Catch is as fun and rewarding for the volunteers as it is for the kids. On the 13th, volunteer orientation will begin at 8:00am, the students will arrive at 9:00am, and lunch is between noon and 1:00pm.  


Please set aside one or both days to help out, and sign up at the link below now.

Many thanks, 


MDTU's City Catch Committee:


Greg Davis:

Ben Legg:

Tom Gamper: 

Rich Dennison:




To volunteer, simply click on the link below to register, and select the day or days that you are available.



Register Now!



I can't make it

Please also forward this invitation to a friend or two who might like to volunteer. 


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