Submitted by shauna_sherard on Thu, 2019-02-14 11:55 Conservation Trout Magazine Vote Up Down +14 + Screen Shot 2019-02-14 at 12.54.02 PM.png The comment period opened February 14 and only lasts until April 15. We need you to comment now! After weeks of lag time, the opportunity for the public to weigh in on reducing protections for headwater streams is finally here. In early December, the Environmental Protection Agency put forth a proposal to significantly narrow the scope of protections on our nation's waters. That includes important headwater streams that are vital for healthy fish populations. And it's not just fish — these are the birth places of our rivers — the sources of drinking water for 117 million Americans and the engines that power our $887 billion outdoor recreation economy. Clean water is a right of all Americans and protecting our water resources has never been more important. We all live downstream. Clean water benefits individuals, fish, wildlife and our pocketbooks – it is far more cost effective to keep water clean. The 2015 Clean Water Rule, based in sound science and law, provides a baseline protection for all citizens, regardless of where they live, holding polluters accountable while maintaining important traditions such as agriculture. We deserve peace of mind in knowing that our water is clean. We urge you to learn more and let your voice be heard. This doesn't just impact anglers — it impacts all Americans. It's time to stand up for clean water. Act now