Submitted by chris_hunt on Fri, 2013-06-14 13:42 Stream Ambassadors Veterans Service Partnership Fishing from a Canoe or Kayack Big Browns! Conservation West of The Rockies Photographers Colorado TU Fly Tying Greater Yellowstone Area Backcountry Trout Magazine Southeast Alaska Climate Change Vote Up Down -122 + 403x403_FBwBUD (2).jpeg If you're an avid fly fisher... a wannabe fish bum... and you haven't seen the suite of Costa films yet, here's your chance. Through July, Costa and its sponsor Budweiser are taking the renowned films "GeoFish" and "Jungle Fish," as well as it's series, "The Take," on the road to craft breweries all over America through the Films on Tap Tour. Chances are, you'll be close to screening and can take in these great films as well as sip a few pints of America's finest brews while you're enjoying the movies. Costa is a valued Trout Unlimited sponsor--the company manufactures the "offcial sunglasses of Trout Unlimited," and provides vital funding for our conservation efforts from coast to coast. But the company's interests in conservation go far beyond coldwater fisheries--in the film "Jungle Fish," you'll learn how Costa's efforts to help ingigenous peoples in Guyana market recreational catch-and-release angling for giant arapaima are literally preserving not just a fishery, but a culture. Through some of the best cinematography out there today, you'll be transported around the world through the big screen, and you'll witness some of the most extreme fly fishing the world has to offer. And you'll do from the comfort of a friendly pub, with cold beer at your fingertips. In all the tour hopes to hit 16 cities this summer, including Knoxville, Little Rock, Dallas, Austin, Denver, Jackson and Albequerque. Check the tour's official Facebook page for more opportunities to see the film tour and support Costa's efforts to protect fish--and fishing--all over the world. NOTE: If you're a TU chapter leader or council leader, and want to be involved in the tour, simply contact Bud Hanson at Costa, and he'll help you and your chapter make the most of the event.