Submitted by mtdave on Fri, 2018-01-19 16:04 Veterans Service Partnership National Leadership Council - NLC Vote Up Down +10 + TU_Veterans_Service_logo_4-color_rgb.jpg Thank you to Donegal PA TU Veterans Service Partnership and to Bill Nolan for your efforts to tie some flies for the national TU Veterans Service Parternship program. We are very grateful for your generous gift. Please be assured that we'll put them to good use for our veteran couples trip to Slough Creek and for the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors TAPS Men's Retreat on Montana's Upper Madison River! Read the great story about some fine folks tying flies for TU's Veterans Service Partnership TU's VSP program seeks to engage our nation's military family, all veterans, veterans with disabilites, their spouses and their families in the Trout Unlimited Chapter community. If you would like more information on the TU VSP program, contact Dave Kumlien at or visit