Double Your Dollars on Bristol Bay

Double Your Dollars on Bristol Bay

Trout Unlimited's Alaska Program has a generous donor willing to match donations up to $200,000 by the end of the year!

The fight to protect Bristol Bay is far from over.  With your help, we’ve built significant momentum to stop the massive Pebble mine and we now have a unique opportunity to stop Pebble and protect Bristol Bay’s world-class fishing.  But we need your help to win.

Donate today to stop the Pebble mine.   Now through the end of the year, your contribution will be doubled and go directly toward protecting Bristol Bay, Alaska.

In a stunning announcement last month, international mining giant Anglo American said it was abandoning its claim to the Pebble deposit in order to pursue projects with less risk and more value.   However, Northern Dynasty, the remaining partner in the Pebble Partnership, has indicated it still fully intends to pursue the Pebble project. 

We have a full year of nationwide work ahead.  Your donation will go to informing and engaging sportsmen across the country through sportsman’s shows, magazine articles,  and major newspapers.  We need your help to get constituents to meetings with key members of congress, as well as support for our overall day- to- day work on the campaign.  Activities like our constant updates on social media, blogs and magazines all cost time and money.  According to the Center for Responsive Politics the Pebble Partnership spent $550,000 on lobbying in 2012 and has spent between $450,000 and $550,000 every year since 2008.

We have had huge success over the past year; the EPA released their Draft Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment, which we worked hard to contribute to over 650,000 comments in support of EPA.  Fifteen US Congress members have sent letters to EPA in support of Clean Water Act protections.  But we still need a Final Watershed Assessment from EPA and after that, moving forward with Clean Water Act section 404(c) protections for salmon.  All of this will take resources and time.

We won’t be able to do this without your support.  And right now, your donation will be doubled through a matching gift from an anonymous supporter.  This enables us to do more good work for Bristol Bay’s fish and people.

Your donation* will help protect one of America’s premier fishing destinations.  You will help sustain the things that make Alaska so great for future generations to enjoy: clean water, local renewable resource based jobs, and epic fishing.


Help us spread the word about this special opportunity to help protect Bristol Bay.  Join the Sportsmen’s Conservation Challenge and participate in one of the most pressing conservation issues of our time.  Spread the news to your friends and business contacts. 

 * All donations given, until the $200,000 limit is met, will be doubled by a matching gift from a generous donor.

All Photos Courtesy of Steve Laurent


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