Earth Day 2020 is April 22

We are coming up on the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day and reflecting on last year when I was on one of 250+ volunteers at 14 locations in the Neponset River Watershed area that picked up 30 tons of trash.


Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the 2020 event has been cancelled.  Since it is critical  follow stay-at-home guidelines – if you find yourself headed out in your neighborhood for a walk – grab a trash bag, some gloves, and your CDC approved face mask, and bring home a trash bag to add to your curbside collection.



If you are looking for additional ideas on how to participate -


Please share photos of your impact and list #EarthDayAtHome, #TroutUnlimited, #TUVolunteer and be sure to mention @greaterboston tu @troutunlimited in your post on Facebook or Instagram.


We can still make a big impact in our neighborhoods, working individually!


Stay safe and healthy,

Rui Coelho

GBTU Prisident





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