Experiencing it is everything: A lucky man's trip to Bristol Bay

TU has asked you time and again to comment in order to protect a place that few people from the Lower 48 have had the opportunity to see for themselves. We’ve asked you to take our word for the fact that Bristol Bay is a beautiful, unique, thriving fishery. (In Feone to see it for him or herself. (In Fact Take Action Now)

This was last year when we were in the throws of yet another EPA comment period. Dan offered a trip for two to Crystal Creek Lodge, a premier fly out lodge on the Naknek River, to one lucky person and friend if they took action in the Bristol Bay Campaign.

See Dans Great video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1I7u3jjBFY

So when the smoke cleared we had to give away that trip.  The problem with Bristol Bay is it is a trip of a lifetime for most anglers.  So when I reached out to Gordon Roe, the winner of the TU/Crystal Creek drawing, I think he thought I was joking.  A Florida kayak fishermen, who works for a socially responsible Fortune 500 company, was about to be able to take a trip he had hardly dreamed of with a friend.  He knew exactly who to choose, his longtime fishing buddy Bill Purkey.  So that was last year. Bill and Gordon just came home from a trip of a lifetime, and new Bristol Bay advocates were born.

Here is what Gordon had to say about his trip to Bristol Bay:

“Those who are familiar with Pebble Mine and support stopping its construction, like me and my fishing buddy Bill, need to experience the potentially affected areas of Alaska, just like we did in early September.

What you will see is a very special place in the world that I can’t imagine never seeing again because of the Pebble Mine project. Imagine losing the largest spawning area for sockeye salmon in the world - and then add the ecosystem that will disappear with them.

On a recent visit to Crystal Creek Lodge we had a chance to see and learn about the potential impact of such a project, not only for the sockeyes we saw spawning in rivers and streams, but also so many other creatures who rely on this part of the world for their existence.

I can’t imagine sitting on a drift boat eating lunch after a great day of fishing, and not potentially having an Alaskan Brown Bear and her "teenage" cubs sitting in the river eating their lunch of sockeye as we did, not twenty yards away.


Salmon, trout and bears are just the start of a list of those impacted if this project goes forward. What about all the people who rely on this area to raise and support families and companies?

So here's my suggestion from first hand experience.

Go to the Save Bristol Bay website and read the information and watch the videos then you'll get mad at the audacity of foreign investors wanting to ruin the wonderful part of America. Then sign the petition to let the EPA know what they need to do!  A call to your congressman and senator is a great move as well. 

We're all in this together, and speaking on behalf for those who have no voice!”

Gordon Roe

We could not have said it better ourselves.  For those of you who may never reach Bristol Bay, believe Gordon. This landscape and fishery is unlike anywhere else and deserving of stringent protections.  He was fortunate enough to win a trip from Crystal Creek and TU to experience the wonder of Bristol Bay. We hope someday you can come too, but regardless, please take action to protect this thriving fishery.



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