February 2019 Newsletter

Trout Unlimited

Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited - February Newsletter


March Chapter Meeting –

Date: Monday, March 4th

Time: Pizza and pre-meeting starting at 6:30 PM

       Meeting starts at 7:00 PM

Location: Auburn Sportsman’s Club
             50 Elm St, Auburn, MA 01501




Over the last couple of months, those attending the meetings were rewarded with a beautiful fly box and a bunch of flies. We are running out of fly boxes, but we are about to receive over 30 dozen flies from one of the best web resources for trout flies - Big Y. Based on the flies we know work in our area and will be perfect for the Farmington, the Board made a selection and we will be providing more "Stuffing" for your fly boxes. Bring your fly box and we will have small containers as an option.


The March Meeting


The March Meeting will be "Farmington Fishing Movie Night". We will feature a series of videos on fishing the Farmington River. There will be some very familiar water along with some new spots that we will have to try out this year. For those of you who have not had an opportunity to fish the Farmington, this will provide a very nice overview of the stream, the area and the occupants (and then get pretty big).


And yes, there will be Fresh Popcorn!!


Also at our March meeting, we will start to put names on the "Cabin" list. This year, CMTU is expanding their presence on the river to include a Cabin for the Monday to Friday days leading up to our weekend and then 3 cabins on the weekend. It gets better, we do not need to leave on Sunday right before the big hatch, we have a cabin for Sunday night and will provide a relaxing departure on Sunday or Monday.


If you have some patterns that you would like to share with your fellow CMTU members, bring a few down to the meeting. We can either reimburse you for material costs or buy you a beer/drink to have with the FREE pizza.


We will also provide an update on several of our other CMTU.


1. The Quinie Dam. We will discuss the latest developments in the Dam removal on the Quinie. Our chapter is in contact with the project manager for this fantastic opportunity. Right now, this project has $40K in funds. We will be working with the state to provide support and in parallel, work some projects (Stream clean-up, Silt gardens, etc.) that include some great opportunities for the High Schools in the area. We are talking Win- Win-Win and some really big fish!!!! In the last council meeting, I brought this subject up and will do again and again and again. The more information we have, the more the support groups are involved the better our success will be for this project.


2. State High School Fly Fishing Championship. Time to start putting a date on your calendar. Specifically, April 27. This is the date for the banquet and the High School Fly Fishing Championship. We are already posting our flyers at the MA Fly Shops and getting some good feedback. We have more fly shops to connect with and start our efforts on connecting with High Schools.


Do you have a child, relative or neighbor that would be interested? In addition, we will be contacting the local Boy Scout Chapters.


Also, LL Bean gave us a call. This is at the very early stages, but their interest is encouraging.


3. Banquet - April 27th
Bring your ideas on how to make what was a tremendous success last year into something even better - is that even possible? We can do it and have a great time for one and all. More information as we head into March. Talk to your local retailers/restaurants for gift certificates.


We are putting together the plan to make this a success. Very interested in any donations you can find and add some more fun to the Raffles.


We will be back on the vise for the April meeting. This will be a pattern that is a known producer in both the Farmington and local waters.


So, come on over, have some Free pizza watch a few Fly Fishing movie (With FRESH Popcorn) and have some fun.


We look forward to seeing you and discussing FISH.


Tight Lines,

Peter Sterndale

President, Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited



© 2019 Trout Unlimited | CMTU #148 | http://centralmasstu.org


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