Submitted by chris_hunt on Fri, 2016-12-02 08:12 Fly Tying Trout Magazine Vote Up Down +2 + Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 9.00.53 AM.png by Chris Hunt We got our first real snowfall here in eastern Idaho this week, and that means it's almost time for me to start making my regular pilgrimages to the lower Henry's Fork up by Ashton to chase winter trout. This time of year is pretty special on the Henry's Fork. The crowds are gone. Deep snow lines the banks of the river, and, if it's not too cold, the river's famous winter midge hatches bring trout to the top. Midges, for a ham-handed fly tyer like me, are a pain the butt. Usually tied on the smallest of hooks (Size 22? Are your freaking kidding me?), they appear to my aging eyes as pepper flakes. That may be why I'm so enthralled with the Henry's Fork this time of year—it's home to lots of midges, and some of them are much bigger than normal. I've been able to get by with really simple midge patterns tied as big as size 16, which pleases me at the vise, and on the water—it's nice to actually be able to see the fly you're casting, no? Matt's Midge Matt's Midge, tied by Tim Flagler But, by definition, most midges are smaller. Much smaller. And I've tried a lot of very basic midge patterns, from the tried-and-true Griffith's Gnat to what amounts to little tufts of Antron tied haphazardly to a size 22 hook. Under the right conditions, they all work well. This week, Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions offers up a very simple midge pattern that's easy to tie, and fishes great in tailwaters and on rivers like the lower reaches of the Henry's Fork, where midges literally burst from the river with rainbows, browns and whitefish on their heels. You'll see for yourself how easy it is to tie Matt's Midge, and I'm betting you'll like how well it fishes, too. Enjoy.