Submitted by chris_hunt on Wed, 2016-11-16 10:15 Fly Tying Trout Magazine 100 Best Trout Streams Vote Up Down +40 + Screen Shot 2016-11-16 at 11.14.10 AM.png Fall weather is finally descending over much of America, and that means it's streamer season on some of the country's more storied trout rivers. Fall is spawning season for brown trout and brook trout, which means eggs will be drifting throughout the water column, and flies that incorporate just a little hint of "egg" will work on big fish that are worked into a froth during the spawn, or for predatory trout, like rainbows or cutthroats, that will hang out below spawning browns in search of an easy meal. Egg Sucking Leech Egg patterns are fine, but I like to throw in a bit of action, and swinging perhaps the best "egg" fly ever crafted is one of my favorite fall activities. The Egg-sucking Leech—and several variations of it—is always in my fly box, and this is the time of year I tend to use it most. Above, TU business partner Tim Flagler shows us how to tie an easy and effective version of the venerable ESL. Enjoy, and good luck chasing big browns and rainbows this fall. - Chris Hunt