Submitted by chris_hunt on Wed, 2019-02-20 08:53 Fly Tying Trout Magazine Vote Up Down +83 + Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at 9.48.31 AM.png I've become a huge fan of using UV cure resins in my fly tying, and I give all the credit for my conversion from a simple head-cement guy to UV devotee to Tim Flagler. Using UV Cure Resins Video of Using UV Cure Resins As you'll see in the video above, the applications for UV cure resins are many. Before I started using them in earnest, I just assumed they were for coating the heads of big streamers that needed to remain intact and durable under tough fishing conditions. Now, I use UV cure resins for many patterns—even dry flies—and my flies are better for it. Check out the video and see if you don't agree. — Chris Hunt