Submitted by mhutzell on Thu, 2013-10-17 13:42 Potomac-Patuxent - 236 Mid Atlantic Council 9MD Vote Up Down +1 + The Potomac-Patuxent TU chapter welcomed Seth Coffman last night (10/16/13) to our monthly meeting. Seth is the head of TU's Shenandoah Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative. Seth's presentation focused on the work that he and others in the Shenandoah Valley are doing to resurrect cold-water streams and protect the brook trout population. The before and after pictures of some of the streams that he has worked on are just amazing! The old saying of it's a night and day difference is an understatement. Seth's work and presentation was a great motivator for our chapter and the possibilities that exist if you have a plan in place and are willing to work at it. Thanks Seth for a really interesting night. Marc Hutzell -