Help teens become conservation leaders!

By Tara Granke

For the first time ever, the Headwaters Youth Program is crowdfunding for chapter-wide support to help fund the 2016 TU Teen Summit--applications open now! Crowdfunding is a powerful fundraising tool because individuals are able to donate what they can and contribute to a good cause with a larger funding goal.

The Teen Summit is an opportunity for some of TU’s most extraordinary teen members to meet up for a five day leadership conference. The teens learn the skills and confidence needed to make a difference on their home waters and in their chapters. These young men and women are the TU of tomorrow!

This year, the Summit will be held at a rustic camp on Georgetown Lake, MT. In order to ensure that all families can afford to send their child to the Summit, the cost is kept very low at $200 for 5 days. The remaining funds are raised by TU’s Youth Program, which is solely responsible for its own program fundraising.

Please take a moment to visit our GoFundMe Campaign and donate whatever you can. And please SHARE the campaign on Facebook, in your newsletter, or email it out to friends and family. Anyone can donate to support tomorrow’s TU leaders!



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