event BY mikek.trout ON May 19 - 0 COMMENTS
STREAM Girls - June 19
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STREAM Girls is a collaborative program started here in Wisconsin that takes Girl Scouts out on the stream, teaches them about the science behind stream health, riparian vegetation, entomology, and water flow- and gives us an opportunity to share our passion for the sport of fishing.   We will be [ READ MORE... ]
event BY Krista ON March 11 - 1 COMMENTS
Sierra Trout Camp - June 21
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Join us again for the 3rd annual Sierra Trout Camp hosted with Ralph and Lisa Cutter! Where: Sagehen Creek reasearch station, just north of Truckee, CA When: June 21st-22nd, 2014 Who: This camp is designed for students ages 9-11 What: Sierra Trout camp is a kids camp created to teach kids ages 9-11 [ READ MORE... ]

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