It's Time to Adjust the Inland Trout Stamp

Spring is in the air, and it feels like it’s time for a change. Break out the new gear and restock the tackle box, the weather is warming, and the trout season is upon us! Will you be checking out some new trout streams this year? Getting out on the water with a new fishing friend? We hope so.


It seems the only thing that hasn’t changed in quite a while is the price of Wisconsin’s Inland Trout Stamp. In fact, it’s been stuck at $10 since 2006. As trout anglers in Wisconsin, we pool our resources and fund critical stream improvement projects and trout management with this annual purchase of the Inland Trout Stamp.


Project materials, equipment, and contractor labor costs have gotten a lot more expensive in that time. If we’re going to give our trout a chance to flourish in the future, we’re going to have to start making more of an investment in their habitat now.


Wisconsin Trout Unlimited worked to educate the Governor and his administration about this issue and we’re thrilled to see a modest $6 adjustment in the Inland Trout Stamp included in his proposed budget that was released in February!


We’re also very much aware of the current state of politics and realize that Republicans in the Legislature are very likely to set that budget aside and write their own version, much like they did two years ago.


What does this mean for the trout stamp? It means that as of right now, we’re still stuck in 2006. Now it’s time for us as anglers to let lawmakers know that we’re ready and willing to support a $6 inflation adjustment to the Inland Trout Stamp.


We hope you’ve seen our user-friendly Action Alerts on this issue. We’re trying to make it as easy as possible for you to let your voice be heard. Our State Senators and Assembly Representatives need to hear from us over and over again. As their constituents, we want to see an inflation adjustment to the Inland Trout Stamp included in the budget.


Please take a few minutes to engage on this issue. It’s not going to happen unless we all speak up.


In a typical year, the DNR estimates 25 miles of stream improvements, and 1 spring pond is improved annually with the funds raised by the Inland Trout Stamp. If we all chip in an extra $6 per year, we could fund 35-40 miles of improvements per year.


Let’s get this done. A $16 Inland Trout Stamp would still be one of the best values around. For less than the cost of a Friday night fish fry, an angler gets access to over 13,700 miles of designated Wisconsin trout waters and can harvest trout six months out of the year.


This additional investment and the habitat improvements that will be funded are going to become the legacy that we pass on to the next generation of trout anglers. Let’s do our part to help make trout fishing better in Wisconsin. Spring is in the air, and it’s the right time for a change.


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