Chapter Name & No. Forks of the Delaware #482


Website: https://forksofthedelaware.tu.org/     


Email: fodtu2@gmail.com




Organizational/ Leadership Activities

Chapter sent a letter of support to Wildlands Conservancy for removal of Dam #4 on the Bushkill Creek

Chapter completed a membership survey to better serve our members. Link to results: https://files.constantcontact.com/675e0ae7401/a7778e1e-4eb5-4a52-ac47-d61736489c02.pdf


Fundraising Activities

The chapter hosted two-time NJ Flyfisherman of the Year Anita Coulton from Cross Current Guide Service & Outfitter as she presented her program, “Pocket Water Strategies.” on Saturday, March 9th at the Stockertown Rod and Gun Club.


Conservation Activities

The chapter will be hosting a stream and highway cleanup on April 20th along Bushkill Creek and Bushkill Drive.


Educational Activities

At our Intro to Fly Fishing with Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center Tuesday evening, over 40 participants rotated through stations explaining the various aspects of fly fishing such as equipment and gear, flies, hands-on casting practice, and knot tying.


First of three fly tying nights at Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center. DCNR’s Curtis Sherwood talked about the importance of watersheds and stream order and demonstrated this “cool” watershed model. Our chapter assisted twenty five participants tie a SanJuan worm and a Walt’s worm and learn some basic tying techniques and tools.


Second of three fly tying nights at Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center. DCNR’s Curtis Sherwood talked about the importance of macro-invertebrates and stream health and helped our students identify live macros collected from the Bushkill Creek. Our chapter assisted participants tie a Pheasant Tail, Hare’s Ear and a Wooly Bugger!


Third and final fly tying night at Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center. PATU Conservation Chair Brian Wagner talked about the history of mill dams on the Bushkill Creek and the benefits of now removing these obsolete dams. Our chapter assisted participants tie an X-caddis and a poly wing comparadun!



Events Calendar for next quarter 

April 19th, Nazareth Middle School Trout in the classroom Release, Jacobsburg State Park, 8 am.


April 20th, Earth Week Stream & Highway Cleanup, Edgewood Avenue at Bushkill Creek, 8 am.


May 17th, Wind Gap Middle School Trout in the classroom Release, Jacobsburg State Park, 9am.


June 1st, Forks TU Fly Fishing station at Northampton County Youth Field Day, Stockertown Rod & Gun Club, 8am. to 4 pm. For more information about Northampton County Youth Field Day or to register a youth, click here. Other stations at the Field Day include target shooting with various firearms, archery, trapping and canoeing.


June 5th, Bugs & Dogs Family Picnic, Riverside Barr & Grill, 6 pm.





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