Submitted by carolsacknoff on Mon, 2014-05-19 11:40 Mountain Empire - 631 Virginia Capital - 184 Northern Virginia - 360 Virginia At-Large - 775 Virginia - 9VA Vote Up Down +77 + John_Ross_0.png (left to right) Graham Simmerman, President, VA Council, John Ross, Eric Sacknoff, MD, President METU Chapter. Saturday, April 12, 2014 Meeting three times a year, the Virginia Council discusses the activities and business of the Council with representatives from chapters throughout the State of Virginia. The sping meeting is scheduled to coordinate with the Virginia Fly Fishing Festival in Waynesboro. John Ross, METU founding member and loyal volunteer was recognized for his dedicated service to TU and our chapter. John's contributions to our chapter are immeasurable, and we wish him well in his move to Asheville, North Carolina. John was presented with a plaque that reads: With gratitude and appreciation to JOHN ROSS for 16 years of dedicated service and leadership to the VIRGINIA COUNCIL and MOUNTAIN EMPIRE CHAPTER April 12, 2014 What’s my favorite trout stream? It’s always the one I’m going to fish tomorrow... I fish with a new friend and offer first cast on the best water. John Ross