Submitted by mtdave on Tue, 2014-10-28 06:28 Veterans Service Partnership Vote Up Down +2 + 10418150_10152915809033474_7024348181891759780_n.jpg Congratulations and a hearty thank you to the Blue Ridge Mountain TU Chapter for hosting the recent fly fishing weekend with Project Healing Waters at Toccoa Bend. Check out the Blue Ridge Mountain TU Facebook page showing the wonderful images and powerful testimony from this great trip! Kudos from TU VSP to Blue Ridge Mountain TU for the great work you are doing for our Vets and wounded warirors and their family members. The therapeutic impact of fly fishing for trout is a palpable thing and does wonders for our wounded warriors and Veterans and their families. If you would like more information on TU's VSP program, please contact National TU VSP Coordinator Alan Folger at or Western VSP Coordinator Dave Kumlien at Also, please visit and "like" our TU VSP Facebook page!