Submitted by bigsur on Wed, 2020-04-29 07:03 Great Smoky Mountain - 047 Vote Up Down +1 + ME DRIFT BOAT 2017 DAVE HARRELL.jpg Letter from Chapter President Well it may be the new normal but it’s all abnormal to me. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park are closed, TU events canceled and even the tail-waters are almost impossible to fish due to rain or sluicing. Toss in people not able to work, heightened concern over staying healthy or paying your bills and peace of mind is at a premium in today’s world. Just like everyone else keeping tabs on family and friends during this pandemic is our main objective. It is hard to stay focused on anything else as everything from TV, radio and the internet is a daily barrage of warnings and statistics. I take comfort in the fact that simple things take no heed to the news and continue on with what they have always have done. The grass in the yard still needs mowing, gutters need cleaning but most importantly the sun comes up every morning as it has done and will do for thousands of years. We will eventually adapt, accept and move forward from this watershed moment in time as always happens in the story of mankind. I personally cannot wait for the “Burn your Covid19 Facemask Party” party to be scheduled… it will not be a moment too soon for me! Please mark your calendar for our next chapter meeting which is now scheduled for 6PM Thursday May 28th, 2020 at our host location Dead End BBQ. Of course we ask you to continue to stay in touch via our GSM Facebook and chapter website for all information and updates as these are the fastest ways to make or update any changes. As I write this I have just placed my takeout order with Dead End BBQ, not only to support them during this time but mostly because I need a treat after eating my own cooking for weeks! They have been a good friend to our chapter and now is the time to return the favor. How about a “Day on the Water”…. we will have one on Sunday August 9th at Metcalf Bottoms in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. We have reserved for the whole day the picnic pavilion at Metcalf Bottoms. Call it anything you want; it is “fishin with no mission” just a chance to enjoy a day together, grill some food and maybe catch a fish. Stay tuned for details as we get closer. As always thanks to everyone who attends our Great Smoky Mountain TU chapter meetings and events. This is a unique time in our chapter history and as things return to normal we invite you to get involved and be a part of Tennessee’s oldest continuously running Trout Unlimited chapter. Please bring family and friends and remember you never have to be a Trout Unlimited member to attend a GSM TU chapter activity, just a love of the outdoors and the fellowship of those who feel the same. In closing please follow us on the GSM TU Facebook page and chapter website. The Great Smoky Mountain Facebook page is the best and fastest way to stay up to date with current chapter information or changes. GSM TU Facebook Link: John Reinhardt President