APRIL…rain showers, spring baseball…fishing! It’s time to shake off the cobwebs, dust off the gear and get out there. No excuses, winter is over except as we know in Tennessee our Smokies weather can change on a dime and often does. If you are new to our mountains, you may have never heard that we have a chance of five more winters even in spring! Redbud Winter-early April, Dogwood Winter-late April, Locust Winter-early May, Blackberry Winter-mid May, Britches Winter-late May. Confusing…you betcha or as I tell people that ask what to bring fishing or camping the best answer is everything you got!

Speaking of spring fishing thanks to Josh Pfeiffer, owner and guide of Frontier Angler TN for his presentation on smallmouth fishing at the last meeting. Josh tied flies to zero in on smallies and gave timely tips to bring them to hand. Give him a call when you are ready to take a guided trip on the river or the mountains.

Our next GSM TU chapter meeting takes place on Thursday April 28, 2022 at our host Dead End BBQ located at 3621 Sutherland Ave. Knoxville. Join us at 6PM for the social hour and meeting at 7PM as our guest will be Travis Williams, the new manager of the Gatlinburg Trout Facility. Since joining the staff in Gatlinburg, Travis has instituted a lot of great changes and updates. If you have never fished Gatlinburg, you have missed a lot of fun and chance to hook stocked trout. The children’s only area at Herbert Holt Park is a great place to take the young angler for the first time or any time to enjoy the fishing. Fishing for adults starts on the Spur below Gatlinburg and runs through town. Check out Smoky Mountain Anglers for information and a Gatlinburg required license, then try you luck for trout and end your day enjoying all that Gatlinburg has to offer.

Also check out our GSM TU Facebook for some great pictures from the Gatlinburg Spring Fishing Tournament this past weekend. Travis Williams and his staff at the Gatlinburg Trout Facility held a contest that combined fishing and collecting litter while they fished. It was a total success, and the adult and kid’s contestants took home great gear while cleaning up stream side. Hats off to the competitors and Travis!

Coming up Sunday May 1st, 2022, it’s time to spend a “Day on the Water” in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. We have secured the Metcalf Bottoms Picnic Pavilion from 10am to 4pm. Join us for another day of “grillin & chillin” by the Little River, whether fishing or just hanging out. We will serve a free lunch of hot dogs and fixings between 12pm and 1pm and everyone is welcome. Bring the family, friends and dog and a spend lazy Sunday in the Park, get your spring fishing fix in while hanging out with the gang.

Speaking of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, as many of you have heard there is a proposal for requiring parking passes. In the article below are details I have received regarding the proposal and links to comment and take part of the process via the Zoom public meeting. No matter your feelings about this take an active interest and voice your own opinion.

Remember to follow us on the GSM TU Facebook page and the chapter website. The Great Smoky Mountain Facebook page is the best way to follow us for the latest chapter information and any changes.

GSM TU FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ GreatSmokyMountainTU

John Reinhardt



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