Submitted by mtdave on Thu, 2014-05-15 20:34 Origin Stories | TU Chapters Yellowstone Fly Fishing Upper Yellowstone River Madison-Gallatin - 024 Greater Yellowstone Area Vote Up Down +57 + grandpa bailey willow creek 2013.jpg One could make the case that the Madison-Gallatin Chapter of Trout Unlimited is the “Keeper of the Crown Jewels” of North American trout rivers and streams. Based in Bozeman and including the towns of West Yellowstone and Ennis, the Madison Gallatin Chapter of Trout Unlimited (MGTU) works to protect, reconnect, restore, and sustain more miles of trout rivers and streams than any other TU Chapter in the world! The first TU Chapter in Montana, MGTU was chartered in 1968 by legendary fly fisherman and fly fishing industry leaders Dan Bailey and Bud Lilly along with Pat Sample Halterman, Bud Morris, and John Peters. MGTU came together as the result of concerns over southwest Montana fisheries including the threat of a dam on the Yellowstone River just south of Livingston. MGTU founder Dan Bailey, MGTU members and others were successful in preventing the Corps of Engineers from constructing the dam at Allenspur, just a few miles south of Livingston, which would have impounded 4 million acre-feet of water and inundated over 20,000 acres and 30 miles of the Yellowstone River in the Paradise Valley. Habitat issues and dams have been key concerns for MGTU over the years. MGTU has a rich heritage of strong advocacy for the Madison and Gallatin Watersheds and native and wild trout. Currently over 600 members strong, MGTU’ers have served on many national TU committees and boards including leadership positions on the National Leadership Council and the Board of Trustees. Former MGTU’er Doug McClelland served as the national President of the Board of Trustees. MGTU Mission Statement: To conserve, protect, and restore southwest Montana’s fisheries and their watersheds. Our Vision: To ensure robust populations of native and wild cold water fish thrive so that our children can enjoy healthy fisheries in their home waters.