Submitted by mtdave on Tue, 2017-03-21 18:08 Veterans Service Partnership National Leadership Council - NLC Vote Up Down +12 + P3180014.JPG The Madison-Gallatin TU Chapter in Bozeman has developed a great relationship with the Montana State University Student Veterans Club. MSU Vets have volunteered to help MGTU run 3 chapter fundraising events and participated in a willow planting project as part of a chapter stream rehab project on a tributary of the Madison River. MGTU has also taken the MSU vets out fishing. Last Saturday, March 18th, 8 MGTU Veterans Service Parntership volunteers took 10 MSU student veterans fly fishing on Depuy's Spring Creek near Livingston. Despite the challenging conditions of bright sun and howling winds, we had a great day! A good number of very nice trout were caught and released, and some new friendships were forged between the vets and MGTU members. The MGTU VSP progam has plans for several more events with the MSU student vets. More fishing outtings including a family fishing event and more conservation work including a stream clean up are in the works for 2017! If you are interested in a starting a VSP program in your TU chapter or finding out more about working with student veterans in your existing chapter veterans program, please contact VSP Coordinator Dave Kumlien at or by phone at 406-570-0023. .