Submitted by mtdave on Tue, 2018-12-04 09:10 Veterans Service Partnership National Leadership Council - NLC Vote Up Down +64 + HokeyLogo_0.jpg Trout Unlimited Veterans Partnership Vets * Welcome (This program replaces PHWFF) Registration for TU-VSP Veterans and Service members: tools, vises &all materials will be supplied without cost. Classes begin on the first Saturday in January and run for eight consecutive Saturdays. Class starts at 9:00 AM. and ends at 12 noon. The last class is scheduled for the last Saturday in February if there are no snow days. It is best to get there by 9 AM so we can start class on time. Learn how to tie dry flies, wet flies, nymphs, and streamers. Casting instruction and stream techniques will be demonstrated at future Trout Unlimited meetings at various locations. This is an introductory course where we teach techniques of fly tying. Fly tying materials (hooks, feathers, dubbing, etc.) will be supplied to participants. Each participant will receive a fly-tying manual. Instructional DVDs will be available that contain demonstrations of the 16 flies that are to be tied. Location: the Northampton Area Middle School - cafeteria. Take Route 329 to Northampton, turn south at Laubach Ave. (traffic light at Bennett car dealership), go about five blocks passed the High School and turn left on Smith Lane. See map on TU-VSP flyer for detailed directions. Look for the signs. Note: NO SMOKING IN BUILDING. (Check website for changes in dates due to severe weather conditions: ) or Google: Hokendauqua Trout Unlimited For additional information call Dale Ott at 610-262-7598 or e-mail at