Minutes from April 2022 Board Meeting

BOD meeting

Date: 04.13.2022

Place: Honeywell Visitors Center

Time: 6:00pm

Attendees: Steve Weiter, Mike and Mary Jo Hyde, Kelley and Mike Romano, Marty Ivory, Bob Alexander, Jim Froio, Mike Gaines


Minutes from March 9 meeting accepted as submitted.


Financials:  Checking/$5900.21, Savings/$7507.21, Total/$13,407.22.  No money received for any projects.


In person Chapter meeting:  1st Chapter meeting in person is May 4, 2022 at the Yacht Club at Onondaga Lake Park.  Guest speaker is Les Monestory/CSI.  Contact government officials in hopes they will bless "citizens science" in regards to testing/results.  Steve Weiter suggests an embrace the stream as it could be a test run in regards to grant applications.   Can decide next BOD meeting after talking with Les.  Kelley Romano inquiring about grants.  Steve Weiter states there is a cycle/process.  Grant proposal with TU national... April/application, June/draft and July/final.


Picnic: June 8th, Eric Stanczyk has given us the pavillion.  Steve Weiter to update a letter from previous years.


Next BOD meeting is May 11, 2022.   Also, once we start meetings back up in the fall, do we return to Nibsey's?  Would need to talk with new owner.


Keeping people engaged: How do we keep people engaged, Bob Alexander suggests fishing with a member, over the summer for something fun to do.  On May 14/West Branch Beaverkill and on June 11/West Canada Creek.


Newsletter: Kelley Romano is working towards getting it out early May.  Bob Alexander will put something together for the news letter, regarding "fish with a member".


Earth Day Clean up:Our corroboration with the Creek Rats will be at 10am, April 23rd near the inner harbor at Huron and Hovey streets.  We will help them out, in hopes they will help us with Butternut Creek at Jamesville, possibly on May 7th.


Fly School: Marty Ivory says we have 4-5 people confirmed at the Hatchery.  Volunteers needed to help.


Amboy Dam: Removal, Steve Weiter states up new updates, possibly July/August.


Youth Camp: this year will be held from June 26-July 1, 2022.  Tuition is $650.00, we are looking to sponsor a student, as we have in the past.  We should put something in the news letter to see if a member has a child interested, and go from there. We could also check with teachers doing trout in the classroom.  Applications need to be by May 15th.


New Business: Jim Froio is the new president of the Federation/Onondaga Sportsmans Clubs.  He states anything we need, we can contact him, Mike Gaines or Marty Ivory.


Time Out to Fish - at the Hatchery, FCBFH has dates.


April 30, Women In Nature at Otisco Rod & Gun, Jim Froio and Mike Hyde will be demonstrating fly tying. 


Sportsmans Days, September 24th and 25th.


Presidents Dinner is mid May at the Spinning Wheel, more info at next BOD meeting.


Fly tying night:  Mike Gaines asking if we are bringing that back?  It was brought up earlier in the year by Paul Randall.  Need to find a more convenient location.  Also, feature a fly and a list of materials needed.


Meeting adjourned 7:30pm



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