New book, Trout Tips, is here!

Please buy this book, called Trout Tips. It only costs, $16.99, it will make TU stronger, and hopefully help you fish better too!

Trout Tips is a new book that involves over 250 simple fishing tips from TU members and supporters… for trout anglers of all skill levels… and all the money goes straight to TU to help fix and protect rivers.

I’ll be honest with you… we patterned this book after the successful Little Red Book of Fly Fishing I wrote with the late Charlie Meyers.  Same size, same format, same price, same everything. Only this time, instead of two guys dealing out the tips, it’s dozens of men and women who offer up their best, simple advice and I throw my two cents in as editor.

The book is about fun, and the cause is what matters most. Amazon is carrying some, and I know Prime members are having them delivered already (my mom told me). I also know Trout Tips is going to start popping up in fly shops, so please support the shops that carry it. 

There’s something special about cracking open a new book you worked on when it first arrives. It’s like seeing the butterfly emerge from the cocoon. You can see drafts and electronic files, even color page printouts throughout the process of writing and editing the book… but until you hold the actual end product (and take a whiff of fresh ink as you leaf through the stiff pages for the first time), it doesn’t really hit you. 

This one is beautiful, and it’s going to fly. I’m really very proud of it, because I see so many ideas from so many great people—great friends—in the work. This one warms my heart, and I hope it does the same for you. 

— Kirk Deeter


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